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First of all thanks for having a browse.
But what's this all about?

Main thing I need to say as a massive disclaimer, is that Joe is the one that has retained his surfing ability. Rather than begging it - it’s good to be honest - in fact, I had a 10 year hiatus from surfing. Then March 23rd happened. Due to a bad flat setup, I left LDN to work from home at my parents in Devon. By chance I watched some people surfing at the beach and thought that it was about time that I got back into a sport I once loved, at least whilst we were in this weird scary scenario.

But - I needed to properly learn again - I quickly found that the price range for boards these days are obscene. When did surfing become an elitist sport? After speaking to Joe about getting back into things, he said the most genuine fun in the water can be found riding foam boards. So I purchased the cheapest one I could find.

The aesthetics were bordering on cartoon like, but the world was in lockdown, who cares?Soon as I got out on the board to my surprise I had the best session I’ve ever had surfing. Not because my skill level was the same as it once was, but it was instant, it was easy. Everything clicked into place. Penny drop moment.

I spent 3 months of lockdown surfing with one of my oldest friends (I recognise the privilege don't worry) every time unlocking more ability, and more importantly, actually finding an outlet that has a positive effect.After coming back into the sport from a 10 year hiatusI found that the world was rapidly changing but the surfing industry had stagnated with bygone trends. We feel that there is an opportunity - at least here in the SouthWest - to do something different.

Our vision is to create an accessible and contemporary brand that combines both our engineering and design skills. It’s time that surfing modernised. Its time to be honest - there's that word again.  If you’ve got this far thanks, seriously we mean it - future posts will be far less self indulging. Welcome to the SouthWest.
All love - Tim + Joe x



The plus tree icon that features on all of our products represents our pledge to offset our carbon emissions. 

Our chosen forestry sites are located predominantly in  Cornwall and Devon, supporting local communities and educating on the importance of sustainability. We also support international projects which help to improve the global environment. We are always looking to improve our vision, so please feel free to contact us with recommendations at

We are proud to give something back, as now more than ever, we need time to explore, be offline and search.

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